vintage risque adult porn XXX comic pamphlet books army 1940 1950
  $   355


$   355 Sold For
Jan 3, 2014 End Date
Dec 27, 2013 Start Date
$   85 Start price
17 Number Of Bids
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I am reposting with two additional pictures at the end. A lot of viewer, no takers yet. I have a ruler on the side of the first picture you have an idea of size. All are in excellent condition. Clearing out my Dad's army chest. I found several risqué things, some of which I already posted and sold on Ebay. So I have these comic type books and a few stereo 35 mm slides from the 1950's. He was born in 1929 so it gives you an idea of the era. For these comic books, my guess is they are from the late 1940's to early 1950's. He was in the Army at this time. And they appear to be spin off of other cartoon/comic characters like Blondie and such. Each book appears to have a thicker paper cover on the front and back that is color, and then a cartoon/comic book drawings/sketches that gets graphic as the story progresses. I looked at a couple. It appears they are about 4 paper pages each that are printed on both sides with a story, so an 8 page story. They are all in great condition. I see generally one staple holding the book together. Many are wrapped in clear plastic for storage, and I see a price of 10 to 30 dollars on each cartoon/comic character. My guess is some are from his days in the Army. Some are from his years collecting things, during his flea market day, going up and down the East coast in the 1980's collecting all kinds of things.
