Uncanny X-Men 129-138, 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 1st DARK PHOENIX SAGA
Another gem from my private collection for sale completed Dark Phoenix Saga! It was publushed in 10 Uncanny X-Men comics 129-138, 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137. This lot is full of key collectioner comics where alone issues getting often price over 50 pound each.
X-Men 129 is 1st apparence of White Queen (Emma Frost) & 1st apparence of Kitty Pryde (code name Shadowcat) & HELLFIRE club including members as Sebastian Shaw (code name Black King), Harry Leland & cyborg Donald Pierce.
X-Men 130 is 1st apparence of Dazzler
X-Men 131 is 1st cover with White Queen
X-Men 132 is 1st apparence of Sage
X-men 133 is often called "first solo Wolverine" because of story & iconic cover
X-men 134 is 1st apparence of Dark Phoenix
X-Men 137 is Death of Phoenix originally planned as death of Jean Grey
X-men 138 Cyclops is leaving X-Men. Iconic cover.
I am not grader and I am providing grading of comics after comic shop where I was purchased issues in the past. All comic are bagged & boarded and according me in quite nice condition for an age beetween mid to high grade. I will try drscribe best possible. Pictures attached, but I can make and send more on request.
X-Men 129 wear around edges, specially creseas around spin. Graded Fine. X-Men 130 small cover wear. Graded Very Fine Minus. X-Men 131 bigger crease on top right corner and small rip on top. Graded Fine Minus. X-Men 132 Graded Very Fine. X-men 133 wear around spin graded Very Fine Minus. X-Men 134 creases on corners, quite heavy wear on spin including rip from top to area of "Wolverine head". Graded as Very Good/Fine possibly lower just Very Good? X-Men 135 Small wear around spin gradex Very Fine Minus X-Men 136 crease on bottom right corner and some wear on spin graded Fine/Very Fine. X-Men 137 small waer arouns spin and bottom right corner graded Very Fine Minus. X-Men 138 crease bottom right corner and some waer on spin graded Fine/Very Fine
As a bonus to set I am giving hardback Marvel Masterworks novel The X-Men vol. 12 collecting issues Uncanny X-Men 101-110 (collecting 9 key comics including story called first "Phoenix Saga") where was 1st apparence of Phoenix plus comic reprint of 1st apparence! Novel is without dust cover but on very nice condition. Reprint of Uncanny X-Men 101 is unread.
I will secure comics well and send via trackable courier for FREE.
I am selling more X-Men comics from my collection for really affordable prices in lots of 20 comics for 14.99! I need get some space and funds.