Marvels Comic Set 0-1-2-3-4 Alex Ross art Spider-Man Fantastic Four X-Men 1st
  $   50


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Marvels                    Comics Lot

Writer: Kurt Busiek

Artist: Alex Ross

Letterers: Comicraft w/ Richard Starking & John Gaushell

Editors: Tom DeFalco, Marcus McLaurin, & Spencer Lamm

All Covers by: Alex Ross w/ Joe Kaufman


After countless exploits of Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men... Marvels makes it all seem fresh again, recapturing the wonder of the early days of Marvel Comics. It’s told through the eyes of an ace reporter, who recounts the story of when The Marvels first appeared. Alex Ross's fully painted artwork of the series only adds to the surreal feel of the stories crafted by Kurt Busiek. Definitely , one of the great classics that Marvel Comics has published in years.


Story (Spoilers!)

In issue # 0, "Book Zero", Published four months after the conclusion of the landmark four-issue series, Marvels #0 includes pin-ups and character sketches by Ross, text pieces on the making of the series, and a 12-page prologue with a more detailed origin of the Golden Age Human Torch.

Tells the story of Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch's origin, through his own eyes. Jim Hammond was created by the great scientist Phineas Thomas Horton, but Horton only intended to create a normal android, the flaming skin was an accident. The public feared the flaming man as a possible menace. Because of this and that Hammond could not control his flames he had to be incased in metal coffin and dropped into concrete where oxygen could not reach him, and therefore he could not burn. Under the concrete Hammond was taught about the world of man through an invention of Hortons. This learning method taught him the importance of "life" and "freedom", helping to mold him into the hero he would become. The story ends with a crack in the concrete allowing oxygen to reach Hammond's body. His body quickly ignites and he blasts his way out of the prison, eventually learning to control his powers.


Next in issue # 1, "A Time of Marvels", Steeped in unprecedented realism, this groundbreaking series tells the tale of the classic Marvel Universe as seen through the eyes of photojournalist Phil Sheldon. Book one focuses on early, World War II-era Marvel and the introduction of the Human Torch and the Submariner.


The Golden Age seen through the eyes of Bugle reporter Phil Sheldon. We first see the Human Torch being made by his creator, it shows how he was made and how he was rejected by his creator. It also shows how Human Torch with other Marvel heroes defeated the Nazi party.


Next in issue # 2, "Monsters", Steeped in unprecedented realism, this groundbreaking series tells the tale of the classic Marvel Universe as seen through the eyes of photojournalist Phil Sheldon. Book two finds everyday citizens in awe of such white bread heroes as Iron Man and Captain America, but swept up in a wave of anti-mutant hysteria. Look for special guests (such as Dick Van Dyke and John Lennon) at the wedding of Reed Richards and Sue Storm.

Phil Sheldon continues his career as a photographer of the "Marvels". He's taking photos of the Avengers. He's talking about making a book of his collected photos. The X-men make their appearance, Sheldon is sees a group of humans surrounding them cursing and yelling at them. Sheldon stands behind the crowd and as the crowd begins hurling rocks and bricks at the X-men Sheldon does too. His brick hits Iceman on the head and as Iceman is about to retaliate Cyclops says "They're not worth it". Sheldon is haunted by his attack on the X-men, he feels guilty. Popular opinion says they are villains, enemies of the people, but Sheldon is haunted by Cyclop's words. Alicia Masters is having a show of her sculptures and Sheldon is sent to work the show, and hopefully snap some shots of the Fantastic Four. The Thing is still shunned as an ugly creature, but at least he's not a mutie. Sheldon is home after the party and it appears his daughters have taken on a stray animal as they are smuggling food from the dinner table. A mob of humans are running through the streets looking for a mutant in Sheldon's neighborhood. When he gets home he learns that his daughters weren't sneaking food for a dog or a cat, but for a little mutant girl. A girl with large black eyes and a skeleton like face. The girl is crying, and Sheldon's girls are crying, asking him to protect the girl from the mob. Sheldon isn't sure of what to do. He goes to the library and reads about the good things the X-men have been reported doing, but looks at the paper to see the threat they were supposed to be. He seeks out the X-men to ask for help, but when he finally gets a chance to see him he gets afraid they might remember him and chickens out. Reed and Sue of the Fantastic Four get married and Sheldon is there taking pictures of the wedding. After the wedding Sheldon goes down to a bar to meet some other business people, and on the TV is a debate between Professor Xavier of the X-men and Bolivar Trask about the mutant menace. Trask reveals his Sentinels, and they promptly capture Xavier and then turn on Trask. The TV goes out. The Sentinels appearance on TV creates widespread riots among the humans, calling people out to be mutants and attacking them. After a while it doesn't matter who is what, the people are just destroying everything in their path. The Sentinels fly over head and the riots stop. Sheldon runs home in frenzy worried about his family and the little mutant girl, but when he arrives he learns that the little girl has left. His daughters are crying but his family is safe. The letter explains that the little girl was thankful, and that she left because she didn't want to his family to be harmed because of her. The TV explains the outcome. The Sentinels have mysteriously disappeared, and the X-men were seen nearby the place they disappeared. This issue was nominated for an Eisner award for best single issue in 1994.


Next in issue # 3, "Judgment Day" Steeped in unprecedented realism, this groundbreaking series tells the tale of the classic Marvel Universe as seen through the eyes of photojournalist Phil Sheldon. Book three chronicles the coming of Galactus and the Silver Surfer.


In this issue we find that Phil Sheldon wants to create a book of photos of the marvels through the years. Unfortunately, he begins to notice, that as much as they try to save the world over and over, the public still works to ostracize them. Now it is not only mutants, but all super powered individuals who are looked down upon by the general public. The world is sent into a panic when the sky is lit on fire, and then just as suddenly filled with stone. Unbeknownst to the general public, these occurrences come with a Silver Surfer, and they herald the coming of Galactus.


Finally in issue # 4, "The Day She Died", Steeped in unprecedented realism, this groundbreaking series tells the tale of the classic Marvel Universe as seen through the eyes of photojournalist Phil Sheldon. Book four zeroes in on the lovely Gwen Stacy and her tragic death.


The Death of Gwen Stacy as told from the perspective of Bugle reporter Phil Sheldon. From an Epic story of the Marvel Universe, to one of the most personal. This tells the story of how Phil Sheldon met a young woman named Gwen, and she made him feel young again. Phil is investigating the Death Of Captain Stacey. Everyone says Spiderman killed the Police Captain, but Phil knows he was on the roof with Dr. Octopus, so he goes about trying to clear Spidey's name.

Comics lot contains: Marvels (1994) Issues #1-5.  Marvel Comics.


Comics are bagged & boarded and will be carefully / securely packaged then shipped via USPS Priority Mail to insure that it arrives to you perfectly and quickly.


First Printing

Publication Date: 1994

Format per comic: FC, 32 pages, Comic, 10.25" x 6.75"

ISBN: None Stated


Collectible Entertainment note: Comics 0,1,2,3,4 are Like New. Very Fine + condition. Beautiful Set!!  Please See Scans!!!  A must have for any serious Alex Ross enthusiast and/or collector. A fun & entertaining read.  Very Highly Recommended!!!


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