Batman #243 Bronze Age First Appearance of The Lazarus Pit
  $   60


$   60 Sold For
Oct 14, 2020 End Date
Mar 11, 2020 Start Date
$   60 Start price
1 Number Of Bids
USA Country Of Seller
eBay Auctioned at


Batman #243 "The Lazarus Pit!" Classic Ra's al Ghul story, featuring the first appearance of the Lazarus Pit!
Shipping will be priority mail at $6.95 per shipment regardless of quantity!  We will ship only to US addresses for tracking purposes.  
The Comic Book Shop in Spokane Washington has been in the pop culture business since 1988 and has an incredible stock of Silver, Bronze and Current Age comics!  Please keep checking our Ebay store as we add more and more cool stuff!
